
Housemates & Roommates in Castleford, West Yorkshire, England

Photo of Christopher


30 years · Male · Construction Multitrade


Looking to downsize, I currently have a 3 bed for 5 years but I’m living there on my own now and it’s too expensive to run. I work full time in the construction industry.

Roommate looking in: Castleford, West Yorkshire, England.

Photo of Felicia


28 years · Female · Cyber Security Professional


I'm fun, I'll respect privacy, boundaries, and alone time. I also have 2 very friendly huskies! And if we share we can live in a luxurious flat in the city centre or nearby. I'm also happy to give/receive life advice. The most important thing for me regarding location is to find a private fence...

Roommate looking in: Wakefield, West Yorkshire, England, Castleford, West Yorkshire, England & Leeds, West Yorkshire, England.


21 years · Male · Warehouse operatives


We are both working full time we are both clean and maintain any home we live in we have a full time job it will be me and my older brother living there ones 21 and ones 25 we will take care of the property and make sure everything well maintained and looked after

Roommate looking in: Pontefract, West Yorkshire, England.

Photo of Henry


17 years · Male · Student but seeking employment


I'm a student at pontefract new college seeking a place to live while I'm still in college. I used to play a lot of sports before a knee injury and enjoy talking to people however I know when to keep to myself.

Roommate looking in: Pontefract, West Yorkshire, England.

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