
Advanced search for housemates in Smallwood, Redditch, Worcestershire, England


51 years · Male · DIRECTOR


Hi, I'm easy to get along with. I have a good sense of humour. I'm clean and tidy, and very respectful towards fellow housemates. I won't be in house that much as I work a lot, including some weekends.

Roommate looking in: Redditch, Worcestershire, England.

Photo of David


26 years · Male · Road sweeper


My puppy is 19 weeks old he is toilet and crate trained and doesn’t bark he is very friendly and everyone loves him! I am 26 very polite and friendly, I work early and sometimes long hours so will be out most the day anyway.

Roommate looking in: Redditch, Worcestershire, England.


37 years · Male · Machine Operator


I'm Szymon, a 37-year-old Polish individual. Recently, I went through a breakup, prompting me to search for a new room or flat. I work full-time and consider myself a tidy and pleasant person. I occasionally smoke and drink, but never at home. Additionally, I've always been punctual with rent paymen...

Roommate looking in: Redditch, Worcestershire, England.

Photo of Curtis


17 years · Male · Full time business


Hey I am Curtis Brooks, I am 17 years old and I’m looking for a room to rent in redditch to be closer to my work as I love my job, I have a motorbike I use to get around at the moment.

Roommate looking in: Redditch, Worcestershire, England.


43 years · Male · Factory cleaner


Quiet, none sexually active gay man. I prefer formal clothing, art and books. Not very social. Occasional alcohol drinker in moderation and smoke cigars outside cafes but not indoors. I'm a follower of the Wehaguru god and try to live a life guided by the principles of Sikhism.

Roommate looking in: Redditch, Worcestershire, England.

Photo of Brian


49 years · Male · Supervisor


I'm clean, tidy , pull my own weight . it's always great to have people around who make living together Like living with friends sharing life or having your private times .

Roommate looking in: Redditch, Worcestershire, England.

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