
Housemates & Roommates in Muswell Hill Haringey, London, Greater London, England

Photo of Johnson


31 years · Male · Plumber


Im an easy going, hardworking Plumber, looking to rent a room, or a studio Apartment, In London or just on the outskirts. Enjoy alone time but also very happy to have good conversations, and learn new things. I love a clean environment, so wouldn't mind sharing a property with other Clean As You...

Roommate looking in: Muswell Hill Haringey, London, Greater London, England, Waltham Abbey, Essex, England, Stratford Newham, London, Greater London, England, Kensington Kensington and Chelsea, London, Greater London, England & Broxbourne, Hertfordshire, England.

Photo of Jasmine


24 years · Female · Nanny


I’m a 24 year old nanny/free lance vocalist/artist. I’m creative, friendly, super clean and love making my environment as homely as possible. I love soul music, nature, reading and plants! Looking for a lovely home environment with good people!

Roommate looking in: Golders Green Barnet, London, Greater London, England, Muswell Hill Haringey, London, Greater London, England, Camden Town Camden, London, Greater London, England, Hoxton Hackney, London, Greater London, England & Stoke Newington Hackney, London, Greater London, England.

Photo of Molly


23 years · Female · Teaching Assistant


I’m Molly, I’m 23 and I work as a teaching assistant in Muswell Hill for year 1s! I have been living in the Finchley area for the last 2 years but my lease finishes in October. I am looking for a room to rent from October preferably around the North London Area (Muswell Hill, East Finchley, North Fi...

Roommate looking in: Primrose Hill Camden, London, Greater London, England, Hampstead Camden, London, Greater London, England, Highgate Haringey, London, Greater London, England, North Finchley Barnet, London, Greater London, England & East Finchley Barnet, London, Greater London, England.

Photo of Nick


50 years · Male · Building


I'm a hardworking middle aged man that pretty much keeps himself to himself, I'm clean and tidy Can't stand mess, I have 4 kids of which 3 are now adults but my youngest is 6 and would come and stay with me occasionally on weekends.

Roommate looking in: New Southgate, London, Greater London, England, East Finchley Barnet, London, Greater London, England, North Finchley Barnet, London, Greater London, England & Muswell Hill Haringey, London, Greater London, England.

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