
53 years · Male · Single


Hello, I am a professional software engineer relocating to the Mesken Hutton area for a job opportunity at Repcrocity Consultancy. I am seeking accommodation within close proximity to my workplace to ensure a convenient commute. About Me: Occupation: Software Engineer Workplace: Repcrocity...

Roommate looking in: Hutton Mount, Brentwood, Essex, England.


60 years · Male · Company Director


I'm a professional man going through a divorce - so needed lodgings, whilst we finalise our divorce and sell the matrimonial home.

Roommate looking in: Brentwood, Essex, England.

Photo of Pink birdi

Pink birdi

52 years · Female · Driver


Heya I've been told by current landlord that's he's selling the current prime residing in....I work full time and have a cat who is 18yrs old and a cancer patient Looking to move nearer to work so easy to get to. I do have to adult kids that visit as and when they can. But won't be looking to st...

Roommate looking in: Romford Havering, Romford, Greater London, England & Harold Wood Havering, Romford, Greater London, England.

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