Moving Day to do List
Moving Day to do List
Post by Maz — Last updated

Moving? Here's a Comprehensive Checklist!

Moving can be a process. Oftentimes there are a number of considerations other than simply relocating your things from one place to the next. Once you have chosen your roommate, the location and decided to put down a deposit, what are your next steps? We have created a handy moving in/moving out checklist that can help make your next move a breeze, whether its a new rental or your forever home.

One/Two Months Before

  1. Book your movers, the early bird (sometimes) gets the better rates.

  2. Any pets? Consider boarding them for a day to keep them out of harm's way with the furniture being moved around

  3. Kids? Try to arrange a day with the grandparents or daycare if they are not school age for the big day.

  4. Organize your documentation and any mail that you receive that will need to be forwarded. Consider going digital to keep your identity secure. Here are some examples of commonly forgotten documents you might receive:

  • Bank statements
  • Pension or retirement statements
  • Union correspondence
  • Utility bills
  • Cell phone
  • Insurance statements (health, car, life)
  • Car registration
  • Extracurricular activities that send a bill (for example, dance class)
  • On the same note, organize your digital addresses as well, it would be a pity to have dinner delivered to the wrong address! Some common digital addresses to update include:
  • Amazon
  • InstaCart
  • Any food delivery platforms
  • Your driver's license
  • Arrange a cleaner to do a post move clean out to pass inspection and receive your deposit back.
  • Do a big clean out! Do you really need all the things you've accumulated? Organize a yard sale, list on fb marketplace or another online forum, or donate. If you have items in poor condition, organize a trip to the dump.
  • Take an inventory of your most important items and keep this on hand in the event you lose anything during the move
  • Get boxes-grocery and liquor stores often have cardboard boxes to give away.
  • Look at the layout of the new place-will all of your furnishings fit? Will you need to make any purchases?

2 Weeks to Go

  • Set up your mail forwarding, to make sure your documents are delivered to the right place.
  • If you have young children, consider hiring babyproofing services for the new residence. You won't be as familiar with the unsafe features in your home.
  • If you are using a ring or similar camera, confirm these are allowed at your new residence.
  • Any ongoing services at your home (house cleaners, pet sitters, etc) will need to be notified.
  • Change your internet service to be forwarded to your new location, especially if you are working from home.
  • Arrange a grocery delivery for the day after you arrive to stock the kitchen and pantry.
  • Inquire about moving out clean up services and make sure the tenants have arranged to have your new dwelling properly cleaned. Consider rug services if there have been pets.
  • Update your renter's/homeowner's insurance to your new address.
  • Do you regularly pick up a prescription at the local pharmacy? Make sure to move locations to avoid any complications with your medication.
  • Make sure the movers have a designated place to park on moving day.

The Day-of....Some Handy Advice!

  • Leave a box of bed linens in your car, along with some basic cookware, plates and a ready-made meal. Cooking and searching for pots and pans after a long day will be tiring!
  • Leave a box of toiletries and towels in your car as well so you aren't opening boxes into the night looking for towels, soap or toothpaste.
  • Have some pet food and additional snacks set aside as well! Cat boxes are also key if you have indoor pets.
  • Be sure your hot water, gas and electricity are all in working order.
  • Make sure you have all the locks-house, mailboxes, garage, trash rooms, etc. Alternatively, make certain you have left all these keys for the old place with your landlord or new tenant.
  • Take pictures of the state of the dwelling and keep them in the event you need to make a claim with the landlord for repairs. Also be sure to take pictures of the residence you are leaving to ensure a smooth return of your deposit.
  • Find out trash days and if there are any watering restrictions in your district if you have a garden.
  • Turn on the fridge and freezer straight away.
  • Make sure the movers have the correct location and clear directions.

Just a few more tidbits...

  • Outdoor pets will need to be kept inside a few days to be prevented from returning to their old stomping grounds!
  • Introducing yourself to neighbors is a good way to set up a friendly living environment, muffin baskets are always a nice way to break the ice!
  • If you work virtually, check the acoustics in your new space and make any adjustments before Monday morning. If you are on camera be sure to clear the area before any meetings.
  • Some larger items might have moving instructions (such as TV's). Movers will not take the time to read them, so make sure you do!
  • Tip your movers for a job well done
  • Find out your local facebook group and join! Be in the know with what's happening in your new neighborhood.